DEveloping a Worldview that Works
What god do Oprah and Steve believe in?
What is the basis of their faith?
Want biblical answers to these questions?
If so, participate in the training. |
Developing a Worldview That Works
There are many worldviews competing for your attention, but biblically there is only one correct worldview because there is only one true God who has revealed himself first in Scripture and second in creation. The key to a successful life is to learn and live based on a correct (biblical) view of reality.
This training will help you develop a biblical worldview of life. People who live biblically are empowered to realize their potential by finding and fulfilling their divinely ordained life purpose. |
What will you learn?
The bet that everyone makes
What is a worldview and why it is important Why everyone is a person of faith The reality of TUP (timeless universal principles) Worldview options and why there are only a few The post-Christian worldview of today Distinctives of a biblical worldview How a biblical worldview transformed the world How science and the Bible can be reconciled How to apply a biblical worldview to all of life And much . . . much more |
Who should attend?
Parents Workers Leaders Managers Pastors |
What have participants said about this training?
“Some of the most relevant personal help I have ever received!”
“Exceeded my expectations.” “Well done!” “You obviously know the material well.” “Excellent communicator!” “The class is relevant in that it discusses how to analyze what we read and hear.” “Your passion for the subject and the Lord is very evident, as is your passion for the body to be stronger as disciples of Jesus.” “The class excelled at showing the historical philosophical roots of the various worldviews and comparing them to a biblical worldview.” “The class help me learn to identify (erroneous, fine-sounding) arguments.” “I feel like a veil has been lifted from my eyes in understanding the viewpoint from which people communicate information to me.” “It's very easy to read the Bible and learn what it says. It's harder to piece it all together into systematic doctrines that can direct our lives. Although there are books available on these topics, many of them fail to build a strong theological foundation. This is where classes like yours are very helpful.” |
The prerequisite for living life well is to develop a worldview that works--a biblical worldview. Allow this training to help you prepare to live life well.
Class Format View video each week before the discussion group. Attend the weekly discussion group to review the teaching and work exercises. Discussion Group Date, Time, and Venue Each Monday, February 6 - March 27, 2017 (seven sessions) 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sojourn Church Carrollton, TX Registration Registration fee: $45 per person The fee includes the downloadable videos and notes plus the discussion group. To register, please click on the button below. |