DISC Profile
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Considerable research has been conducted seeking to understand human behavior. The results of this work are amazing. Though each human being is unique in many ways, each of us is also similar in many ways. Personality theory has identified these similarities and developed tools for discovering behavior patterns. The DISC Profile is a tool to help you better understand your behavior patterns.
Each of us has a unique and wonderful personality. The DISC Profile is an efficient way to quickly understand you. It is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. Though the Profile requires only approximately 20 minutes to take, it provides a perceptive, easy to understand description of your behavior patterns. It identifies your tendencies in a variety of life situations, such as, stress, routine, change, success, and adversity. It will help you understand what motivates you, what environment works best for you, and what management styles are most effective for you. Also by understanding human behavior patterns, you will become a better problem solver and communicator. Plus you will more effectively resolve conflict. The DISC Profile is an effective tool not only for you, but also for your spouse, children, friends, and coworkers. We all need to better understand ourselves. Understanding yourself—and others—facilitates improved interpersonal relationships and teamwork. In addition, as you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, you will better discern the plan and purpose for your life. Your personality is no accident. You were given the personality that you need to do what you were created to do. To purchase the basic DISC Profile, please click on the payment button below. After payment is received, an E-mail will be sent to you, usually within a few hours, with instructions for taking the Profile online. Upon completion, you will be given an opportunity to view the results. |