FINANCIAL Management II:
Key Principles, Pt 1
Every day, we make financial decisions. In fact, financial activities are so common that we rarely think about them. We pay bills, buy, sell, trade, save, invest, give, and pay taxes routinely with little thought about key principles.
Are there key principles we should follow? If so, what are those principles and how do we discover them? Want biblical answers to these questions? Listen to this teaching on financial management. |
Financial Management II: Key Principles
This teaching is based on the Beyond Babel Model.
The Beyond Babel Model is a model for building organizations based on the timeless universal principles found in the Bible. This Model was introduced in the book Beyond Babel written by Dr. Gerald Chester, founder of Strategies@Work, LLC. Using the Beyond Babel Model, this teaching presents biblically based best practices for financial management both individually and organizationally. |
Given that the God of the Bible created the universe, then He alone defines all the rules of His universe. Therefore, He defines the rules of finance.
In this session, you will delve deeper into the biblical principles of finance and discover profound principles of God's universe that will enable us to enjoy financial success. This seminar is part II of the five-part Financial Management series--a biblical teaching of financial management. The Financial Management series includes:
Financial Management Part II provides more in-depth teaching to help you better understand the TUP of finance and, therefore, help empower you to live, individually and organizationally, based on biblical best practices of finance. |
What will you learn?
Who should listen to or view this training?
What do seminar participants say?
"Your biblically rooted definitions of money and economics have significantly impacted my thinking. Since I learned that money is a tool for obeying the will of God, I've been in a daily process of reordering my thoughts and actions accordingly. Actually, it's quite liberating!"
"I was looking for something to help me get my financial situation under control. The tools you provided helped me tremendously and really helped me to understand that what I'm dealing with is spiritual. When I listened to the webinar I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The time flew by as I was impacted by the material. There were many 'wow' experiences!" "For more than thirty years I’ve pursued the teachings of numerous big-name Christian financial instructors. I’ve diligently implemented their suggestions and have progressed far beyond the majority of my peers. Nevertheless, your seminar has provided the most substantive and profound presentation of a biblical worldview of finances I’ve ever seen. Thank you for your insight and commitment to truth!" "I loved the class. Thanks for opening my eyes. Man, this was really worth it." "Thank you for allowing me to participate in the Financial Seminar; it was a tremendous learning experience for me. The privilege of being able to glean from the wisdom that the Father has given you was priceless. It was also very fulfilling to hear and process principles and struggles with other students as we worked our way through the materials. You gave me many truths which I am sure will take some time to totally unpack and fully understand. Thank you for your dedication and service to the Kingdom." "Financial stewardship is a huge part of every believer's life. I received very practical, relevant tools that relate directly to my life and work. The cost is nothing in comparison to the value received." |
What is the course outline?
Part I
No matter who you are, you make financial decisions every day. Learn to make wise decisions—decisions in accordance with biblical principles.
And don't presume that you know these principles. Sophisticated financial professionals who are strong Christians are, many times, surprised when they discover the fullness of biblical teaching on finance. Don't miss this opportunity to develop the financial skills that will enable you to prosper in God's universe. |
Seminar Date, Time, and Venue
Friday, April 24, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CT USA (lunch break from Noon to 1:00 p.m.) Online through GoToMeeting |
Individual Registration: $50.00
Married Couple Registration: $80.00 The fee includes the presentation, notes, and recording of the presentation. To register, please click below. |