FINANCIAL Management V: Personal Finance
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You need it, but don't know how to manage it? Financial decisions must be made In every area of life (personal, family, church, workplace, and government). The issues of budgets, debt, investing, and charity are challenging and, many times, vexing issues. Coupled to these issues is the problem of sin—in each of us and in the culture. This compounds the already challenging task of making wise financial decisions. Consider these financial questions:
If you are like most people, you have never studied the Bible with the intent of discovering God's principles of personal finance. Do want to learn a biblical view of personal finance? If so, please view this teaching. |
Financial Management V: Personal Finance
Excerpts below
Default State of Man
Mammon Worship
Money and Eternal Life
This teaching is based on the Beyond Babel Model.
The Beyond Babel Model is a model for building your life based on the timeless universal principles found in the Bible. This model was introduced in the book Beyond Babel written by Dr. Gerald Chester, founder of Strategies@Work, LLC. Using the Beyond Babel Model, this teaching presents biblically based best practices for personal financial management. |
Given that the God of the Bible created the universe, then He alone defines all the rules of His universe.
Furthermore, He owns all the resources. Note the words of Scripture: "'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty." (Haggai 2:8 NIV) Therefore, we are simply His stewards charged to manage His resources according to His will and ways. In this teaching, you will delve deeper into the biblical principles of finance and discover profound principles of God's universe that will enable you to enjoy alignment with God on personal financial matters. This seminar builds on the timeless universal principles (TUP) presented in Financial Management Parts I, II, III, and IV. Now in Financial Management Part V, more in-depth teaching applied to personal financial management will challenge you to better understand TUP applied personally and therefore better understand best financial practices from a biblical worldview. |
What will you learn?
The purpose of wealth
The secret of financial security The deception of mammon worship The right view of retirement The difference between money and true wealth Investing in the right assets The danger of hedonism The five uses of money The dangers of debt How to tap into God's financial blessings How to eliminate financial problems The true reason for poverty And much, much more . . . |
Who should listen to or view this training?
Fathers Mothers Children Teachers Managers Leaders Followers Lenders Borrowers Financial professionals Anyone desiring to prosper Anyone hungry for a biblical worldview |
What do seminar participants say?
“From my heart, I've never sat under anyone better.”
“The teaching was clear and concise.” “The seminar is foundational.” “We needed this more than we realized.” “New graduates entering their first job need this teaching.” “Very well organized and well presented. Lots of 'bottom line' truths to contemplate.” “The exercises really made me think about the concepts and where I stand in relation to them.” “Good paradigm for thinking. Good words, relevant scripture—well applied (excellent research and study).” “My husband and I are committed to studying our notes and making a number of shifts.” “The 4 hours went by very quickly. The teaching was easy to understand.” |
Every individual makes financial decisions every day. Learn to make wise decisions—decisions in accordance with biblical principles.
And don't presume that you know these principles. Even very sophisticated financial professionals who are strong Christians are many times surprised when they discover the fullness of biblical teaching on personal finance. Don't miss this opportunity to develop your personal financial skills that will enable you to enjoy success in God's universe. Note the words of Scripture: But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV) |
What is included in the product?
Downloadable recordings (audio and video) and notes from the seminar
What is the investment?
To purchase, click on the button below. After you complete your purchase, you will be directed to a fulfillment page to download your product. |