Keys to Starting a Successful Business
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If the God of the universe created everything, then He created the rules for all the activities of His universe, including the rules for starting and building businesses and organizations.
Therefore, if you want to be successful building a business or organization in God's universe, you need to learn how to build according to His rules. Sadly though, few people have ever studied the Bible with the intent of discovering God's principles of business. Schools, churches, and pundits seldom teach business from a biblical worldview. So it's up to you. Do you want to develop a biblical philosophy of business? Do you want to learn how to build a God-honoring organization? If so, engage with this teaching: |
Keys to Starting a Successful Business
To watch a short excerpt from this teaching, please click above.
Every organization is built on a worldview that is rooted in the organization's view of God.
This worldview permeates the thoughts and actions of the organization and therefore drives the results of the organization. Since there is only one true God, however, there is only one correct worldview--a biblical worldview. The foundation of the Beyond Babel Model is a biblical worldview--the only worldview that will lead to long-term success. This seminar goes deeper into the theory and application of a biblical worldview as the foundation for starting and building excellent organizations. |
What will you learn?
A biblical model for starting and building excellent organizations
The only right reason to start a business The only worldview that works The universal purpose of every organization How to build a God-honoring legacy An operating philosophy rooted in a biblical worldview A value system that will facilitate blessings to your organization Operating principles consistent with biblical values How to validate your alignment with God How to discern and develop a wise business plan Proper capital structures Effective selling and marketing techniques How to find the right customers How to hire the right people The importance of thinking beyond you How to partner with God to build multi-generationally And much . . . more! |
Who should listen to or view this training?
Aspiring entreprenueurs Business owners Business leaders Managers Senior executives Parents Church and ministry leaders Investors Anyone desiring to learn true best biblical business practices |
What do seminar participants say?
"You are very clear and well organized."
"When I listen to you it's like listening to a great soprano soloist . . . I never worry that they will hit a wrong note." "It was delivered very well and easy to follow." "I realized how much I think like the world and how far my thinking is from God's with regard to business." "Very different from other marketplace presentations I've encountered. Helps me think about the real root issues in business from a doctrinally sound perspective." "A treasure chest of wisdom on how to conduct business biblically." "The seminar was very confirming to my own convictions of how the Lord operates His kingdom." "Answered many of my questions and gave me new things to think about." "Scripture sets up very clear boundaries about how we are to conduct business. These precepts were projected very precisely by the instructor." "I cannot wait to attend the follow-up." "The information was excellent." "It was well worth the money. I can’t wait to attend more of the seminars." "Thank you for helping me truly see the importance of God as the ultimate source for everything. Even though I knew that starting a business was a God idea, I had no clue how to completely surrender and dedicate myself and the business to Jesus." "Thank you for your service to the Lord by helping His people to be successful in business." |
How is the seminar recording delivered?
The seminar recording and notes are delivered in downloadable format.
What is included in the product?
2006 presentation: audio and notes
2012 presentation: video, audio, and notes |
What is the investment?
Investment is $40.00
To purchase, click on the button below. After you complete your purchase, you will be directed to a fulfillment page to download your product. |